Subject 1:
The majority. What we all want to rebel against. What we think we are rebelling against. How we become labelled as 'rebels'. Without a majority would there be anything to rebel against? If each seperate idea had an equal number of followers would rebellion cease to exist? Do we rebel just to rebel, not to actually prove or change anything? If enough people rebelled against the majority to equal the number of the supporters of the majority, does rebellion become the majority? Just some questions to think about, however, not the topic of this post.
It is unthinkable what kind of power the majority has over one person. They can make you feel and do outrageous things without you even being conscious of it. If they tell you something long enough you start to believe in it. If you have been taught something your whole life, it will take a lot of bond dissociation energy (little chem for you) to seperate yourself from it. While this is a huge problem with early education, it is also something that can be pushed onto you at any age. Personal experience has showed me just how much power the majority has over your mind. After being told how to feel and talked to endlessly about it, I had actually started to believe that what they were saying was true. Only until after I saw through these people, sorted out these heroes and thieves if you will, did I realize just how ridiculous the situation actually was and decide that what they were saying was not true at all, that I truley did not feel this way, and now my life is a lot less confusing and stressful.
Subject 2:
Codename: RUNNING
For the ideas in this post, I give partial credit to Gabe. Without whom, I wouldn't have even been running in the first place. The whole idea of running as a 'codename' is completely his.
The running community can no doubt connect to this, all others approach with caution and an open-mind.
Running after school today with Gabe has given me a new insight to the wonderful sport of which we both share and love. Insight that undoubtely has always been there but can now be put into words. Running is more than just moving your legs. Running brings inner peace. It connects together your feet and your breath in beautiful synchronization. Running is actually a codename for something deeper, much deeper than most people who don't run would ever expect. Running is a codename for the contemplation of the meaning of life. It brings with it a greater understanding of your mind, your soul, and what your body can do in a physical sense. Running with other people connects you together in ways that cannot be done doing anything else. It allows you to see people for who they really are, get inside their minds, and really get to know them. Running brings you closer to nature (if your doing it the right way-outside), even in an urban area, it brings you down to the environment in new, beautiful ways.
At the beginning of this month, an olympic runner named Ryan Shay collasped and died 5 miles into the olympic marathon trials. Shay was diagnosed with a larger than normal heart when he was 14 years old. This made him a very good distance runner, but also caused his death. We would like to send out our sympathy. RIP. But also make note that Shay died doing what he loved, and that running (contemplating the meaning of life), and no doubt found it before he died.
Subject 3:
This subject is in response to the US History class we had today. In the sense of this blog, we bring about social terrorism. With society at an all-time low, any sort of change is welcome or needed. Are we trying to start a revolution; no, absolutely not, at least not anything that nobody else has tried to do before. We are just expressing ourselves, and writing to entertain and help our friends and peers understand things the way we see it. Slightly shifting the status quo, slightly picking apart the mainstream by making them conscious is only what we can dream of doing, we are not naive to the fact of the unlikelihood of that happening.